FML for mobile
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By loser - 19/10/2009 17:43 - United States

Today, while in class, a cute boy came up and asked me for my number. I giggled and wrote my phone number on a piece of paper and told him to call me sometime. He gave me a weird look and walked away. He was asking which number math problem I needed help with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 536
You deserved it 35 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you misinterpret something that was probably along the lines of: "What number on the math work do you need help with?" all the way to... "YO I'D HIT DAT HARDER THAN A DRUNK DRIVER. GIMME YO DIGITS GURRL"

So did you have your hand up? If not, how'd he know you needed help, unless you said so? If you did say you needed help, or had your hand up, why'd you assume he wanted your PHONE number all of a sudden? This has failsauce smeared all over it.


HahaYDI 0

lol thats sounds like somethime peter griffin would say...

That's exactly what peter would say, if, for example, he ever found out he was retarded and had an intercom in front of him. They should make an episode with that in it.

HahaYDI 0

Haha that would be very original of them.

hobosaresexy 0

you sound exactly like a kid I know. he walks up and goes, "balls. that is all." he thinks he's so funny . i really hate him.

So did you have your hand up? If not, how'd he know you needed help, unless you said so? If you did say you needed help, or had your hand up, why'd you assume he wanted your PHONE number all of a sudden? This has failsauce smeared all over it.

Don't you think it was weird that he came up to you out of no where and asked for your number? Next time be like "what?" so he can tell you what he meant and you won't have to deal with such an embarrassing situation

How do you misinterpret something that was probably along the lines of: "What number on the math work do you need help with?" all the way to... "YO I'D HIT DAT HARDER THAN A DRUNK DRIVER. GIMME YO DIGITS GURRL"

Bummer. But honestly you could have just double checked what someone said. It's never safe to assume.

Never, EVER assume. You'll make an ASS out of U and ME.

Sun_Kissed18 25

I always say that! haha. OP: Giggled? Really? Are we 12 years old now? "oh em gee there is this cute guy! *giggles blushes studders*"

PinkPunch 0

Oh yeah no one over twelve uses "giggle".. Would you have preferred she wrote, "I laughed in a light-hearted manner"?

No, we just don't expect her to giggle period.

#11: Unless... *tee hee* kawaii desu ne~ senpaii! sugoi! *tee hee*

sanem0808238036 0

Ya know u could have just said which math problem number you needed help with first and if he wanted your phone number he would have giggled and said "I mean your phone number silly". Then you would both laugh and you would give him your phone number. Then you wouldnt have been embarassed. I got three words for u hun: YOU. DESERVED. IT.

Dcvictorious 0

YDI for being 12 and handing out your phone number.