By Anonymous - 17/10/2011 22:54 - United States

Today, while leaving a football game, I saw a half-empty bottle of Mountain Dew on the ground. It was night-time and there weren't many people around, so for a laugh, I picked it up and tossed it behind me as hard as I could. It hit someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 331
You deserved it 53 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments


And that is funny how??? Is there like some sort of inside joke here only one other person in the entire world knows??? WTF?!?!

How dare you! Mountain Dew does not deserve that! You monster!

I'm curious as to what football game you could've been leaving, it wasn't an nfl game being as both the steelers and eagles played on sun, college doesn't play on Monday's and idk many high school teams who play on Monday's. So what game was going on on a Monday of all days?

That is....Just sad. Why would that be funny in the first place to throw it? And that is why you check your surroundings...

Killuminati420 2

Hah. At least it was not filled with piss that sprayed on you when you threw it. XD I had a friend who did the same thing.. But he ended up covered in urine. XD

Jamesmc430 6