By Anonymous - 17/10/2011 22:54 - United States

Today, while leaving a football game, I saw a half-empty bottle of Mountain Dew on the ground. It was night-time and there weren't many people around, so for a laugh, I picked it up and tossed it behind me as hard as I could. It hit someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 331
You deserved it 53 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments


truebrotrue 7

Today, while leaving a football game, someone threw a bottle of mountain dew at my head. FML

That was a total waste of my time reading that. I really don't like you

Lynzwood 0

I've read over and over trying to find the fun and couldn't. So I went outside and threw a half empty bottle over my shoulder... It hit a cat?! I'm still unamused. Time for a new story...

weesnaw_08 7

You are a bit of an arse for doing that.

Marques23 5

I hope whoever you hit, decided to beat your ass after it hit him/her

I'd have loved to be there to see whoever you hit shove that bottle up your ass. That would be funny.