By JoeyDizz - 06/05/2009 03:41 - United States

Today, while masturbating at the computer, I was interrupted by a flash of light out of the corner of my eye. As I turned to face it, I realized I forgot to close the blinds. Standing at the window in the appartment across the street were two girls, one had a camera and was snapping a second shot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 310
You deserved it 66 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idiots. Their shot is gonna be washed out by the reflection of the camera flash off the glass. Open the window, tell them to get ******, then close the blinds.


duder u deserve it for not inviting them over and asking them if they can do it better, or better yet go over there and convince them to give u the pics, with ur weiner.

fmah_life 0

Should have told them to come over and help you finish or you were calling the damn cops!

marcusaurelius 0

were they hot? maybe you can get them to come over and give you a hand?

your_mother 0

I call bullshit. Unless your computer is right next to the window and the window is really low to the floor no one would have been able to see you. And even if it was, you'd need a really high quality camera to get a clear picture from across the stree. AND how would you have seen the flash from across the street if it was daytime? and why would they be using the flash when it was light out? and if it was dark out they'd have a bit of a hard time seeing don't you think?

Or it could've been in a basement window...

Sounds like they want you. Are they hot?

annieannie 0

Your a ********..... Get a girlfriend. YDI big time

those girls are seriously weird :P close the blinds next time mate

SilentBob2040 0

Keep a camera next to the window, everyone's human and next time THEY slip up u can get them back! but you should have grabbed a piece of paper and written something like 'wanna join me?' the worst they could do is give you the finger! (pun not intended, but will probably cause a few giggles just the same:P )