By JoeyDizz - 06/05/2009 03:41 - United States

Today, while masturbating at the computer, I was interrupted by a flash of light out of the corner of my eye. As I turned to face it, I realized I forgot to close the blinds. Standing at the window in the appartment across the street were two girls, one had a camera and was snapping a second shot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 310
You deserved it 66 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idiots. Their shot is gonna be washed out by the reflection of the camera flash off the glass. Open the window, tell them to get ******, then close the blinds.


UsingLogic 0

Since some people were saying it's not illegal, I have a question: if the blinds are not closed and people can see the OP through his window, isn't it considered the same offense as doing it, let's say, on the street? In which case it would be illegal I guess. Just asking.

Wait. Flash doesnt go off if your outside. YDI for posting Bullsh*t

Actually, the flash could have been set to always go off. In fact, it does come in handy outside if subjects are in deep shade. If there is enough interior light, you might be screwed, deeply screwed. But hey, cheer up, my new theory is they set the flash just to freak you out. It probably didn't turn out.

Stand up! It's time for your big finish!

ummm no, #22. I'm pretty sure it's more illegal for people to be looking through your windows anyway. Theres no law against being naked in the privacy of your own home. If you were stood on a balcony or something, it'd be different.

Yeah, should've closed those blinds. But the damage was done, should've waved them in for some close-ups