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Hey lady, not cool!

By Ghostly - 21/07/2013 15:03 - United States - Madison

Today, while filling out paperwork at the dermatologist's, it asked what color I would use to describe my skin tone. When the nurse saw that I chose fair, she mumbled, "Ghost is more like it." I have a severe sun allergy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 597
You deserved it 4 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

so much for being professional. Hopefully you told her and she apologized.

that's just really unprofessional and rude of her. some people just don't know when to shut up.


flashback.miss 28

so much for being professional. Hopefully you told her and she apologized.

gczizza1997 15

I would have complained, that is just rude. I hope you commented on her red skin when she became embarrassed at how she acted.

ILoveMyArm 15

You would think with the job she has she would know not to say such a thing to begin with, regardless if OP has a sun allergy or not.

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Jelbeztok 17

49 who said anything about the police?

^ Riiiiggghhhttttt, #57... You're either trolling or morbidly retarded. Either way, get back into your racecar bed and leave the adults to their discussion.

br00kr 22

That was kind of rude of her. Sorry for you OP

Wowxoxo 17

There's really no point in "making" her apologize because it won't be sincere. You can bring it up to the doctor though...

that's just really unprofessional and rude of her. some people just don't know when to shut up.

Pale skin is quite attractive, in my opinion.

InfamousRaider 15

Davewilliams, that really isn't necessary.

The police would first laugh at you, then proceed to be super pissed off that you wasted their time when there are real problems in the world...

MzZombicidal 36

What a ridiculous conversation that would have been."911, what's your emergency?" "Someone was mean to me! Come and get them fired!"

some people just can't learn to control the comments that come out of their mouths.

She's a bit of a dick. I'm still really amazed, however, that people can be allergic to the sun.

This amazes me too! I find it fascinating in a "why does this happen the sun is good?" kind of way.

friedpwnadge 25

We all are, ultraviolet rays are destructive to our bodies. Only difference is some are more sensitive than others.

I have Lupus, and if I go out in the sun unprotected I end up with a rash and a fever. Even on the hottest summer days I have to wear long sleeves, pants, sunscreen, and a hat. And the medication makes you even more photosensitive. =/ It is really obnoxious.

mansen 15

I have extremely extremely pale skin and do not tan at all. It is frustrating dealing with the people who always look so amazed and then come up with suggestions of trying tanning beds or baby oil etc. No. My skin does not produce enough pigment to tan. There are people like that. With my medication, ten minutes or a little more out in the sun and I can get a second degree burn on tje back of my neck. Oh those lovely painful blisters. And sunscreen only protects for an additional 15 minutes more before the frying starts again. I feel your pain. And the jokes about glowing in the dark, ghost etc, and the comments of just not trying hard enough to tan gosh darn it...make me want to crotch kick ppl...if my foot wasn't so painfully sunburnt.

#60 - I think the worst comment to get is "have you tried using oil to tan?" I can't imagine anything that sounds worse for skin. That is way too similar to a method of cooking food. Heat + oil = fried skin. I can't believe that it's something people actually do. Maybe it's because I'm snowman shade too, but the thought makes me cringe. Nobody put oil on to tan. Please, I'm begging you all. Either fake it or get a little golden while using sunscreen. Don't cook yourselves.

#88: ******* this. One bad sunburn is enough to increase your risk for skin cancer exponentially. People who slather themselves in oil and sit out in the blazing sun are just crazy to me. There's nothing wrong with having a bit of a healthy summer glow, but sunscreen. SUNSCREEN.

lalathefairy 15

Yeah, it's life's way to add an extra f-you to some people. I have a slight allergy to the sun, any day with a high UV rating is dangerous for me. Not only do I get burnt quicker and easier than anyone else, but I also get a rash with large uniform blister type things and fever. I am also super sensitive to the sun and burn even in the middle of winter, on cold cloudy days and sometimes I swear if I see a sun bright enough on tv that causes me to burn! Lol I live in Australia so we get plenty of sun here, which means I get to be a mostly inside person! Lol

Forget about her. People can be really mean sometime, but all that matters is that you love yourself (:

I would just write down porcelain .... show her that her comment didnt affect you

She could've at least tried more to keep her comments to herself..

Some people can be so rude. Someone actually asked me if I was "naturally" pale the other day.

Comet_Candy 23

I know exactly how you feel! Somebody asked me what was wrong with my face the other day... And then they realised I was just very pale.

Once a cashier at CVS actually asked me how I got my skin to be so pale. Wtf?

I have had people ask if I was sick due to my paleness. I also have had my nail people compliment over how "porcelain" I am.

How would one be 'unnaturally' pale? Is there some kind of reverse tanning bed I don't know about? I alway look terrifying in photos next to my friends, I'm so bloody pale. I've learned to embrace it (my pale skin looks lovely with 1940's victory rolls in my black hair and some red lipstick), but some people can be insanely rude about it. It's not any of your business! Besides, if you stay out of the sun, you'll look younger longer. My mother looks ten years younger than her sun-worshipping sister, even though they're barely more than a year apart, because she wears sunscreen and doesn't lie out in the sun to tan.

audreyfml1994 15

@103 There's no reverse tanning bed, so to speak, but there is skin bleaching. However, that is mostly practiced among Blacks.

103 yeah that's what I was wondering when they asked me. Yeah my mums always going on about keeping out of the sun, except she tans really easy and I got stuck with my red head dads, pale skin.

Mcstud1y 30
Trooth 13

If they're a dermatologist, shouldn't they have already known that? So rude!

Nurses aren't dermatologists. She still shouldn't have been so rude working in a dermatologist office.