By robm - 26/07/2010 20:15 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend and I were having sex, he told me I was the love of his life. Afterwards, he clarified his statement. I was the love of his life, because I was in his life at that moment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 435
You deserved it 4 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Ladies, statements made by men while their penises are in you are null and void. You really should wear earplugs during sex if you can't get that truth to sink in.

dakins 0

it's her fault he's an ass?


oneforme 0

baby you should have just told him you would like him to lick your anus, and as he does and then all of a sudden let a little girl fart slide out of your anus into his mouth... if your lucky maybe you can shoot a small little turd into his mouth too.... that will show him!

thnx 122 I've been wondering what it was for like ever!!!!

Mickay1232 0
Hwikek 2
iCommentFML 0

Lol its funny everytime i scroll up i see a pic of jordy or flirt 

danz123 7

For some people posting comments here, you should know not ALL men use love to get sex, since we're not all sex-crazed maniacs. The OP wasn't naive unless her boyfriend used her to get sex, just because they were having sex at that time doesn't mean that he was trying to convince her the whole relationship or anything. FYL OP, just dump him, and retaliate by saying that he WAS in your life, then tell him to **** off.