By Reliena - 21/01/2012 05:47 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend and I were in the shower, we began to get a bit frisky. That was until I lifted my arms and he immediately made one of his "Chewbacca Calls." He was referring to my armpits that I had forgotten to shave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 561
You deserved it 29 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kwchambers92 10

You seem like a "furry" nice lady

RoseTintMyWorld 8

That would be my problem with getting frisky in the shower, I feel like I'd have to tell them to wait 10 minutes before coming in so I could have time to shave and wash my hair/body. I'd feel awkward other wise.


chocodoombot 0

It takes at most, a total of 10 second to shave each arm pit. If you're really that lazy, you deserve it.

It's not mandatory to shave anything, last time I checked.

cutielilangel 8

Aww so cal! I second that! Lol

You're so close didi. So close to bender.

MerrikBarbarian 9

Haha, pity you wont be in Canada. Could be amusing to meet the team and some members here.

Your boyfriend's a keeper. Hold onto him or another, hairier girl may use a Chewbacca mating call on him . ;)

bubo_fml 10

How do wookies **** with all that matted fur anyways?

swaggin_it_313 0