By cbolig - 03/05/2011 12:15

Today, while on a first date with a guy who turned out to be twice my age, we were playing video games at the theatre before the movie started. Suddenly he falls face first while having a seizure. The EMT asked if my "dad" had a history of epilepsy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 389
You deserved it 31 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cptmorgan15 2

Yes, **** your life. Not the guy who's having a seizure.

Haiden_fml 0

Warning: Rapist around. Signs of rapist are; Going to the movies, video games and oldness. If this rapist try's to attack you shine flash light off and on rapidly until help arrives.


Wow, so the guy has a seizure, and you're complaining about his age? Classy.

wtf..? how can you not tell if someone's twice as old as you?

Elledanae 0

So you're complaining because they called the man old? Not you, quit you're whining, this man is having seizure. So hush it, they didn't call the man twice your age your son.

was it a blind date you got set up on or something...

JesterMarcus 0

Hey #17, just because he's old doesn't mean he's NOT a rapist as well.

more like FHL for having to go through epilepsy. YDI you shallow bitch.

Erindub 0

OMG, what a crappy first date. Truly an FML. Sweet of you to stick around for the medics. I might've split.

todder45 0

If he knew he had this kind of epilepsy why would he go to a cinema/ play video games? Those things are all about the flashing lights! (he's twice OPs age so he should have already been diagnosed for years already right?) I don't know it sounds like a weird situation... poor him but maybe he could have avoided having a seizure? And OP, what are you doing going on a date with someone you know NOTHING about before hand? Don't go on blind dates!