By mmmtortilla - 24/04/2012 14:03 - Spain - Portugalete

Today, while putting on a load of laundry, I squeezed the detergent bottle and it made a noise like a woman's orgasm. After laughing, I realised that I'm probably too immature to be washing my own clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 372
You deserved it 28 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not immature! That's funny as hell and you have awesome humor!

I think you are referring to a queef not an ******.


jaredofmo 22

I don't even know what that sounds like, and given that I figured I'm gay, I'll likely never know. Don't feel bad about immature humor.

DobiesJS2012 9

Your name would imply that you already have the answer you seek..

Immature humor is the best. :D And if child labour is okay in some countries, it's probably okay to do your laundry even if you laugh at immature things... ;-)

I giggled when I read Torva's comment. So yeah.

perdix 29

My detergent bottle always makes ****** sounds, but my clothes never get clean. I think it's faking.

ErykahRenfrew 3

I have to ask as a women myself... What "sound" is it you THINK a woman's ****** makes? Because its not like a fart or a burp that makes a noise..if she weren't moaning the ****** would be 100% silent.

simplylost643 0

#76- I believe she (the OP) is refering to the sound of a "queef", the noise that is heard when air is expelled from the vaginal cavity. If during ****** her vaginal contractions are powerful enough, the constrictions of the muscular wall of the ****** would force out any trapped air. Does every woman "queef" when they ******? No. Many woman due not have vaginal orgasms though, but rather clitorial orgasms, which do not produce the same contractions of muscles. Hope this helps.

twisted_cherub 14

But queefs don't only happen during ******. They happen any time air trapped inside a woman is release. The most common cause is when a penis (or other object) is pushed in and out rapidly or at an odd angle.

deransc 19
jgunner1230 3

A squeeze bottle of laundry detergent?

I'm not trolling now - could you please make your bottle make that noise again and then record and post on youtube? I'm dying with curiosity to know how it sounds! :D Also, I think it doesn't matter if you're think hearing ****** sounds is immature or not - as long as your white socks aren't pink and your sweater isn't Barbie's size, you're good.