By innocentbarista - 17/03/2013 19:00 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, while serving two middle-aged women at the coffee shop, I was screamed at and accused of being a "sexist and chauvinistic bastard." This was prompted by me charging one of them 40 cents for the addition of steamed milk, which is clearly stated on the price sheet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 570
You deserved it 2 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those words, they do not mean what they think they mean.

mpj13 8

I am guessing they didn't leave a dairy good tip?


Did you steam their milk nice and creamy at least?

You sexist and chauvinistic bastard, how could you do that to them? They can't live without forty cents.

@ #8 - And then the next person would expect the same and so forth. OP, you should have stated that it is posted on the menu and they are no different than any other customer, right before you spit in their overpriced designer drink and said "oops, my bad".

hooligyn123 18

....FML about the lady screaming at someone checking on the time at a cafe?? If so yes.

Why did they let that through? My phone died and I just checked.. Sorry guys!! I was going to say anyone ever see that YouTube chauvinist video "and that's how you treat a f*#%ing bitch"

perdix 29

Just explain to them with condescending politeness that fancy math like that is too difficult for the ladies. You're going to be stiffed for the tip, so you might as well go out with a bang, not a whimper.

djwithoutmusic 3

What if they forgot their reading glasses?? Than you're a jerk to old people!

If you want to see real sexism and gender chauvinism at work in the barista service business check out what coffee shops near universities in New Zealand are doing. They charge male customers an extra $0.70 to $1 over the cost of the beverage simply for being male. Some female baristas are jokingly calling it the "dick tax." Not because the men act like it, but simply because they have one. Started as a protest to increase employed women's wages... Which is odd as they weren't charging male CEOs or overpaid Execs for it, they were charging male students who can barely afford anything. It caught on and now other coffee places in other countries do it, not as protest, but out of misandry and money-mongering. Somehow, I don't see people catching on to the idea of a "**** tax"... But for the OP's case... There should be one.

34 - I don't think I can post links but Google "New Zealand Activists Charge Men More for Their Morning Cup of Coffee" and look for the Jezebel article. That was the original protest in New Zealand. A worthwhile protest conducted by the YWCA on an university campus with just one cart. The idea, however, has spread. 'Low-key' coffee places have started picking up the idea. I've heard and encountered so far 4 coffee shops in Portland, 2 on Auckland, 2 in New York, 6 in Vancouver and 3 in Calgary and it's catching on. One coffee shop I go to has the prices posted right in the store, separate for women and men. As you can imagine, the place is regularly the home of militant Feminists, 'White Knight' men, and Hipsters.

scarface90 8

A dick tax?? If that's true...I would sue the shit outta of this place, what the hell happened to society? When people justify sexism by sexism...these so-called women are not even feminists but misandrists. Do these morons realize that by doing so, they are not helping women rights at all? They are hurting their own cause? Oh man, I wish I could stumble on any of these places, I would tear it apart if I go to jail

trellz17 19

Is steamed milk like milk that has been steamed?

I always hated when the sex card was pulled just because you have to give an answer they dont like, men or women.... It's just desperate.