By Gregory - 28/11/2008 10:28 - France

Today, while shopping for a pair of shoes, I saw a pair I really liked lying around, so I sat down to try them on. Then, a man came up to me and pointed out that they were actually his shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 453
You deserved it 6 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol! Did you at least find out where he got them? hahaha would have been pretty awkward...

he's so stylish that not only are his old shoes better than your new shoes, but he's going to get even newer shoes!


redbeater 5

Haha! thats actually funny.

I've done that! I said how much is THAT pair? "....They are not sold here" :/

Simoneaux17 11
soldiat_fml 17

I've always worried about doing that.

Well you probably made his day. Have him a great story and complimented his style!

If they were lying around, chances are they aren't for sale

maybe he shouldn't have left them then.