By usafprog - 27/07/2009 20:08 - United States

Today, while spray painting a rocking horse for my kids I left the can outside in the sun. When I picked it up it was hot to the touch and I dropped it. It exploded on impact and now I am more blue than the rocking horse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 594
You deserved it 22 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brenna805 0

hahah you can be part of Blue Man Group now!

Iloveyencheck 0


irishlassie731 0

YDI for leaving an aerosol can in the sun. That's just common sense. And I think it says something like that on the can, to not leave it in the sun or to keep it in a cool dry place.

I'd have had fun with it, and went ahead and started spraying my kids, making sure to miss their face of course. If they're small kids, but not babies, this is the stuff they're gonna remember and talk about later on in their lives as one of the crazy fun things their dad used to do with them

Feltron 0

Fake even after leaving it in the sun its next to imposible to have one of those explode you can smash them with huge rocks and at best it will puncture if not just dent... Although if this can has been outside since 1902 in the rain was half rusted through already maybe it did happen

By exploding it means that the paint went everywhere, not a nuclear explosion.

illgutcha 0

Wish I could see a picture of that! LOL

Blue are the people here that walk around....

you have two options: blue man group or smurf :-)

anna_bella4657 0

Just go take a shower and then go and buy another spray can. It sucks that you have to buy another one, but there is no permanent damage to this situation. This isn't really a FML at all.