By vmml97 - 01/08/2013 04:32 - United States - Erie

Today, while taking a walk in the forest, someone approached me and asked to borrow the knife I had clipped to my pocket. I happily obliged, assuming he just needed it as a tool. Instead, he used the knife to mug me, taking my cellphone and my wallet. I was robbed with my own knife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 083
You deserved it 62 858

blairvic tells us more.

blairvic 23

Hey. Firstly, I am Canadian, and in Ontario, you can carry a folding (not spring assisted or butterfly) knife, with a blade under 3 or 4 inches in length. You can look up the rules if you want. So yes, I was carrying it legally. And why do I carry a knife? Because I use it as a tool. It's not a weapon. I was in the forest, it was a tool. He said he needed it as a tool. I believed him, it's a logical claim. I can understand why it would seem like a ridiculously dumb idea to let someone borrow your knife, but you need to understand two things: I live in a small, Canadian town. I literally can not remember the last time anyone was attacked here, so I did not fear attack. Also, we were deep in the forest, where there are many reasons that one needs a knife. So, I let him use the knife because he said he needed it. I know it's kind of stupid, and I'm never lending out a knife again, but oh well. He seemed like a nice, polite, well put together guy. He didn't look like your typical mugger, so that's why I lent it out. He had obviously seen the clip of the knife, as I carry it clipped to the inside of my pocket, as that's the law where I live. And people saying "a woman in a forest, alone, lending out her knife to weird men.... bad idea", I agree. But, I'm not the type of woman you want to fight with, and I'm not some delicate woman alone and afraid. I can hold my own. But, I do have too much faith in humanity, and I trust people too much. As for people saying "track down your phone", I did. I live close to the forest, so I just ran back home and tracked the phone down. I had it back within a few hours. I lost the $70 in my wallet, but that's not much. He was a stupid thief. The police took care of him. And, by the way, I never got my knife back :( I'm gonna go buy another knife, and I'm never gonna lend it out again. In the end, it was scary (I've never been mugged before) and I lost $100 ($70 cash from my wallet, and the knife was worth $30 ish), but I've learned a lesson. Thanks, everyone. And yes, I know I deserved it!

Top comments

perdix 29

He did use it as a tool -- a money-making tool!


be careful out there next time be smarter about your choices and stay safe!!!


well next and if there is a next you see him walkin in the woods again mug his ass with a bigger knife

You aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you? What, too soon?

mimiminx 23

Hmmm I'd say OP wasn't the sharpest tool in the box either...

hcollins1 18

Um, who did you think DocBastard was talking about, 41? The mugger?

I would reprimand you but it doesn't seem fair to say it was your fault for being generous. A lot of the things in the world are just not fair that way, sorry OP :( At least that was luckily the only thing the jerk took, though.

Sounds like OP didn't go far enough from the city for it to really be considered a "forest". She could probably still see her smart car in the parking lot. I've never heard of a forest with such high crime rates.

You mean quiet, secluded areas with conveniently-placed trees all around you for strangers to hide aren't safe? And what makes you think OP owns a smart car in the first place? Is that a well-known stereotype for people who get mugged? Cause that's the only thing this FML tells us about OP. No offense, but it sounds like you're belittling other people's misfortunes (and by some reason, smart car owners) just for the hell of it...

Smart car drivers don't carry knives either.

@47 Only because there isn't enough room in the car...

perdix 29

A woman walking alone in the forest who is willing to give her only weapon to a strange man? What could go wrong?

sinekt 9

If this is true and you're more than 3 years old... I have some bad news for you.

Just remember... Nice guys finish last...

Bet he stole the knife too, the ingrate.

Well, if he mugged her and then politely returned her knife he'd be a bit of an idiot, wouldn't he?

When a random man in the woods asks for a weapon, assume he's a serial killer.