By hunnydoll - 18/08/2009 00:16 - United States

Today, while talking to my boyfriend, I was frantically searching for my cell phone. He was curious as to what I was doing so I told him. There was long silence followed by laughter. He could hardly breathe as he told me, "Honey you're on your phone talking to me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 394
You deserved it 193

Top comments

Escapist28 0

No, I agree with Lisimal. This sort of thing happens to me all the time, too. I'd give you a few examples, but I can't seem to locate my keyboard...


redheadedmonster 24

I've this before. I felt really srupid afterwards.

myunicornbarfedo 0

hahaha i just did that two days agoXDXDXD now my boyfriend won't let me live it down.......

FadedShadow 4

I've done that. on the phone with my bf and had 2 friends in the room with me. They all got a good laugh

The amount of retards that have said this happens all the time is overwhelming.

wait so u were talking to your bf on the fone but close enuff to him so that he could see whut ur doing? weird

that's not too bad. I've done the same thing many times.

rockinroyalty 0