By hunnydoll - 18/08/2009 00:16 - United States

Today, while talking to my boyfriend, I was frantically searching for my cell phone. He was curious as to what I was doing so I told him. There was long silence followed by laughter. He could hardly breathe as he told me, "Honey you're on your phone talking to me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 394
You deserved it 193

Top comments

Escapist28 0

No, I agree with Lisimal. This sort of thing happens to me all the time, too. I'd give you a few examples, but I can't seem to locate my keyboard...


conor12 5

This is not an fml at all... Who cares

hazardmuffin 21

Haha, funny and a bit embarrassing, but it happens from time to time. I've done that with my ipod while listening to music. I've also hit play on my ipod in order to unpause the music, only to realize that it had been playing all along and I had just tuned it out.

Quiet_one 22

I've done something similar. I had a moment of panic when I couldn't remember where my keys were or if I'd even brought them with me when I left the apartment... and then I realized I was driving. Luckily for me no one witnessed it. :)

Kristoffer 35

My stepmother has done this too. I don't think I've ever looked for my phone for more than about a second when I'm using it before realizing I'm using it.

Gwyddone 29

Well... It's embarrassing, but I've managed to skip a lesson because I've been searching for my glasses. Yep, I was wearing them the whole time. I almost literally cannot see anything without them... and sometimes did this with other objects. Doing anything remotely distracting is like a trigger for idiocy for me...

don't feel bad - happens to the best of us :)

This is not an FML moment- this is only a silly anecdote that happens to be really ******* hilarious.

sneeze_watch 19

I often look for my glasses while they're on my face. I've just accepted that I'm a scatterbrain. It's not so bad.

chrissy2 28