By hunnydoll - 18/08/2009 00:16 - United States
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Here's a tip: If you are having sex with your boyfriend, and have the urge to find your ******, wait until he finishes before you begin the search.
Oh c'mon! This is so not an FML! This is an MLIA, clearly. I've done this about 4 times, and it never stops being funny. But its hardly important. I would be more worried about the fact that you spelled Honey wrong.
i've done that
ive done that before as well. don't feel bad it wasn't the end of the world for you.
It's ok, my boyfriend always says I'm really stupid but in an amazing way, so obviously there are people who go for that sort of thing. There's hope for us both :)
that's not a compliment, no matter how you say it.
Absent minded is not the same as stupid, and people are smart in different ways. My girlfriend's boss and professors tend to pick on her while mine have repeatedly called me brilliant, but that's just because people have different strengths. I'm not brilliant, but I am smart enough to know that she is AT LEAST as smart as I am, even if she is strong in very different areas. A little friendly humor (like in op's case, it sounds like) is one thing, but a boyfriend calling you stupid is borderline abusive. Particularly if it's gone on long enough that you are starting to believe it. Seriously, take a look at your relationship. The basic message "you're so stupid/fat/ugly/whatever that nobody but me would even want you" is always a lie and is the first step in enabling abuse, because the victim starts to believe that she either deserves it or can't do any better, and both are lies. I'm sorry to preach, and I hope I'm overreacting here, I've just had the unfortunate experience of seeing long stories of abuse that started with the kind of put downs you seem to be accepting. There are certainly people more qualified to help if you do have a problem, but if you read this and feel like you could use an anonymous internet sounding board, you can message me.
haha this happens to everyone at some point but wow thats a bad one lok
Not that bad...
No, I agree with Lisimal. This sort of thing happens to me all the time, too. I'd give you a few examples, but I can't seem to locate my keyboard...