By hunnydoll - 18/08/2009 00:16 - United States

Today, while talking to my boyfriend, I was frantically searching for my cell phone. He was curious as to what I was doing so I told him. There was long silence followed by laughter. He could hardly breathe as he told me, "Honey you're on your phone talking to me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 394
You deserved it 193

Top comments

Escapist28 0

No, I agree with Lisimal. This sort of thing happens to me all the time, too. I'd give you a few examples, but I can't seem to locate my keyboard...


starryskyhearts 0

Actually, everyone, some dictionaries show "hunny" as "an endearing term", like a synonym to sweetie/sweetheart. "Honey" is the stuff bees make. OP : don't worry, this happens to a lot of people. It happened to me once, because I'm so used to my phone being in my pocket since I never really talk on it. The other problem I have is that anytime I'm doing something like messaging or using a calculator and I want to exit, I hit the END button. Well, this is alright most of the time, but when you get a message when you're in the middle of a call and you hit the end button, it ends the call, and it keeps the message up.

starryskyhearts 0

#64: your sarcastic FML doesn't start with "Today,"

xoxoCheer 0

Most boyfriends would call you a dumbass and hang up. You've got a really good one on your hands. Keep him, or if not, give him to me! xD

my aunt asked where our dog was once. the dog was sitting in her lap.

My mum asked where her glasses were once. I took them off the top of her forehead.

Your life is too average to be ******. Please get off this site until it is sufficiently wrecked. Thank you. Moderators - stop being lazy twats and put something good through. OPs - pull your shit together and get your lives ******.

acd23 0

There's a button that says Moderate the FMLs in red letters at the top of the page. Click it. Now, go and moderate the FMLs and decide which ones get through, and stop complaining about the FMLs that other people found good enough to let on the website. You just read the FML that was submitted, click Yes if you think it should go on the website, and No if it shouldn't. Try it.

Totally stolen from MLIA, they just spelled it "honey" instead of "hunny"

I've done that with many objects.. u must have something really distracting you