By Intoxicunt - 01/08/2010 18:51 - United States

Today, while tubing down the river, we stopped for lunch. I accidentally left my shoes on the sand when we left. I had to walk two miles through dense woods with no trail and no shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 733
You deserved it 31 798

Intoxicunt tells us more.

I did NOT go back to get them! God, can you people NOT read? Read ALL of the other comments where I explain what happened. I'll repeat it. I did not go back for them. Again, I did not go back for them. How many times do I have to ******* say it!?!?

Top comments

perdix 29

Why didn't you just tube right back up the river, like a salmon? That would have been some great exercise and easier on your poor, delicate, bare feet.

xesyeso 0

well atleast your shoes didnt get dirty! :D


jesstriplet 0

why the hell would you do that?! that is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard... they must be made of gold for them to be THAT important that you had to go get them... wow

I did NOT go back to get them! God, can you people NOT read? Read ALL of the other comments where I explain what happened. I'll repeat it. I did not go back for them. Again, I did not go back for them. How many times do I have to ******* say it!?!?



how the frick do u "accedentaly forget ur SHOES????"

KiddNYC1O 20

don't call someone dumb when you seem it as well.

"ur ******* dumb than" Lol. Everyone forgets. Yeah, it was a dumb mistake, but I'm obviously smarter than you. :)

that would have stunk if they weren't there

rafiki19 1

why didn't you just turn around and GO GET THEM ?!

Because I do not know how to swim up a fast-flowing river. Thought that part was obvious. And I assume #137 failed to understand it. I guess this simple FML, PLUS all my comments explaining it still cannot be comprehended by most FML readers.

rafiki19 1

well since you obviously can't tube without a boat and/or tube, just go back !