By Intoxicunt - 01/08/2010 18:51 - United States

Today, while tubing down the river, we stopped for lunch. I accidentally left my shoes on the sand when we left. I had to walk two miles through dense woods with no trail and no shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 733
You deserved it 31 798

Intoxicunt tells us more.

I did NOT go back to get them! God, can you people NOT read? Read ALL of the other comments where I explain what happened. I'll repeat it. I did not go back for them. Again, I did not go back for them. How many times do I have to ******* say it!?!?

Top comments

perdix 29

Why didn't you just tube right back up the river, like a salmon? That would have been some great exercise and easier on your poor, delicate, bare feet.

xesyeso 0

well atleast your shoes didnt get dirty! :D


how the **** could you possibly forget shoes? dident it occur to you that every time you took a step it hurt? ydi

wangchung202 0
ceejster 0

intoxicunt = giant, fat, ugly, bitch

intoxicunt! you're awesome! too bad about the flip flops though. :/

domingo6220 0

Your lucky you ended up with a mess and not a burnt down house and trip to A&E

I had to go wiki tubing - you guys do have fun in the States, don't you? Hope you managed to get away without splinters, I got one in the sole of my foot once and I couldn't get it out, I was limping for ages :