By Anonymous - 07/06/2012 17:42 - United States - Seattle

Today, while waiting for a bus, someone started smoking at the bus shelter, which is illegal in my city. I politely asked him to stop smoking, citing the city ordinance. He just cackled and said that if I'm so concerned about the state of my health, I should start by losing 90 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 630
You deserved it 39 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While heart disease does kill more people than lung cancer, that guy was a prick.


Not polite of him, but seems like he has some kind of a point... Nevertheless, he was wrong to smoke on a place where he shouldn't.

FajitaFreak 3

Smoke kills people who don't smoke. Fat kils only the fat person. It also occasionally produces comedic relief in the form of Newman & other jolly merry fat men. Fat wins. Although, you both were right in a way.

daltonromanowski 11

Not every unhealthy state or activity is the same. People who are highly susceptible to lung illnesses, for instance, are naturally going to be more concerned about smoke and other pollutants than they would about anything else. The dude had no right to continue smoking, especially where he's not supposed to, even if he thinks the OP needs to lose weight (and that in particular isn't really his business, nor ours; we have no idea if he was right or if he was bullshitting for the sake of making the OP feel bad).

Adippy1 4

Y D I if you were so concerned about the law, why didn't you make a citizens arrest? Oh, that would have caused you to use more energy. Forget the bus. Walking is better for you anyway and you'll both be better off.

I thought fat ppl where jolly and didn't post on here

If it was a shitty day out and you both needed to be under the bus shelter, I totally understand your need to point out the law. You deserve to breathe clean(er) air. If it was a nice day however, I think this is a bit ridiculous. This is a situation where you have a reasonable amount of control over. I just don't understand why you would take your chances with pissing off a complete stranger whom you know nothing about except that he clearly doesn't give a shit about your city's law. Just move further away from him until you aren't bothered by the smoke. People have been attacked for a lot less and you're lucky he just gave you some health advice. He could have had your face for dinner.

Lmao! He is absolutely right in the respect! Smoking is no better for you but why should anyone else care about your health if it's obvious that you don't?

I applaud the guy. Mind your own business.

suitgirl5 5

I say YDI because it wasn't your business. Next time find someone or call someone who should be regulating the area, because he could likely get a fine which would be much more effective.