By Anonymous - 07/06/2012 17:42 - United States - Seattle

Today, while waiting for a bus, someone started smoking at the bus shelter, which is illegal in my city. I politely asked him to stop smoking, citing the city ordinance. He just cackled and said that if I'm so concerned about the state of my health, I should start by losing 90 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 630
You deserved it 39 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While heart disease does kill more people than lung cancer, that guy was a prick.


fearswithin 9

That is so ******* funny! man people can be such dicks but still you had to see that coming..i mean you tried to say something negative about him, so he thought in his mind he had to fired back something negative about you.

JesseJimenez 4

At least your not breaking the law unlike that ass hole

cmb8280 24

Well YDI for being a prude bitch.

142) listen to your own advice, you just sounded like a retarded douche in your comment mate.

michael666 7

how about you mind your own goddamn business.

Articfox420 5

Ohhh you just got burned!!

Dude probably has a point. I get so tired of people complaining about others harming the by choices others make, yet harm themselves with no regard. Id hazard a guess but your 90 lbs extra weight is likely more detrimental to your long term health than buddy having a smoke.

Sorry but I'm going to go with ydi. Don't quote laws at people, no matter how polite you THINK you're being, it comes off very rude. Next time just simply ask of they could either hold off on smoking or be sure to blow the smoke away from your direction and then claim that you have really bad asthma or something. Most smokers understand why people with asthma says something.

YDI, not for asking if the person would mind extinguishing his cigarette, but for citing the city ordenance. I mean if it was be, being asked politely I would semi-happily put out my smoke. But when lectured about it by city ordenances I would even light a 2nd one out of spite. It's all about how poeple ask things

totheforest84 4

I wonder if you could Sue somebody for assault with a deadly weapon for that. They have found that the safe quantity of second hand smoke is none. There is not a safe amount to inhale.