By Anonymous - 07/06/2012 17:42 - United States - Seattle

Today, while waiting for a bus, someone started smoking at the bus shelter, which is illegal in my city. I politely asked him to stop smoking, citing the city ordinance. He just cackled and said that if I'm so concerned about the state of my health, I should start by losing 90 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 630
You deserved it 39 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While heart disease does kill more people than lung cancer, that guy was a prick.


Why do you care ? I would said the same thing

Um, what do you mean why do you care? Second hand smoke is just as bad as OP doesn't want to be inhaling it. I thought that seemed pretty damn obvious.

I'm trying to be polite and help YOU out...and you call me fat. Wth.

You guys getting all pissy about personal choices are missing the point. Its illegal and annoying, trust me nothings worse than being at a bus stop and having someone smoke next to you. And big deal if op is fat, it's legal to be fat

Bal00ba 2

I am a smoker and frankly...the people who don't smoke automatically feel they own every single place and can make their own rules about smoking whenever they're there. Sure, the guy was an asshole for smoking at the buss stop which is illegal, but in the same time, and this i know from experience, non smokers are never very polite to ask a smoker to stop doing it while they are around. In my personal opinion, non smokers have started a real witch hunt with the smokers and i don't think it's fair that some people have the right to boss other people for a bad habit. Since we're all fighting for a free world and democracy for everybody, i think i have the right to smoke if i want to and the people that don't to be some place else, and if it bothers them if i'm around, they can be polite about it and i'll stop.

you wont die because you inhaled a cigarette at the bus stop...

aquaman95 7

If you live in wa you know.I am from tacoma where youd catch a tac town beat down