By waxer150 - 22/03/2015 22:32 - United States - Ashtabula

Today, while waxing a client's chest, I forgot to have him turn his head. When I ripped the strip, I punched him in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 299
You deserved it 8 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"The punch is meant to distract you from the pain of the hair being pulled. Is it working?"


Sounds like a HAIRY situation lololol

flerdters 6

if a guy is getting his chest waxed, he deserves to be punched in the face

Yeowch! Poor guy. I hope that he accepted your apology. As long as this isn't a regular occurrence I see no reason for people to have hit the YDI.

talk about a hairy situation ;) lol, sorry OP

Hahaha, that's priceless. Poor guy though!

anonymous100000 17

do your freaking job. glad you're not a doctor or anyone important YDI.

I sure it will be off his chest in no time