By donezo - 26/06/2009 05:43 - United States

Today, while working at a fast food restaurant, I stayed a little overtime to help my manager with dishes. A kid pooped in the slide in the playground area attached to the restaurant itself. I'm the smallest one there. I had to crawl UP the slide to find and clean the poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 413
You deserved it 3 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse. At least it wasn't in the ball pit, and you didn't have to dig around for it. But FYL, haha.

Darth_Taco 14

I've heard of a lot of these cases. I'm starting to consider super-gluing my kids' diapers on when I have them. I am so sorry.


philosopher 0

Let this be a good life lesson: You will always be cleaning up other people's shit... (metaphorically for most of us)

derekjeter92 0

YDI for working @ a fastfood restaurant

YDI.... thats what the top of the slide is for, not getting feces in ur face never considered a bucket of water and soap? another bucket at the bottom to catch the shit water? "you deserved dat one" but it still sucks!! lol i remember my Overnight manager telling me to go clean up the barf in the lobby multiple times i simply laughed at him and asked if he wanted to finish the shift by himself and all future shifts until he found a OV replacement for me never cleaned up any form of bodily secretions in the 7 months i worked from 11pm - 7am at a mcdonalds in the middle of downtown lol

VickiPeace 0
kpearsall 0
jahwn 12

You were up shit slide without a paddle.

triplethreat13 0

gross!!!! your job sucks, where do you work, mcdonalds?

Human Waste is considered a hazmat by the United States federal government. As a restaurant worker, I assume that you are neither licensed nor paid to handle or transport hazardous materials. Even if they try to swing it as covered under "additional duties as assigned" or some garbage like that, I assume they are not giving you hazard pay, and that does not address the licensing issue. You could have refused this task, and were you fired for it, would have grounds for a lucrative lawsuit. Know your rights.

Better to climb up the slide and find it than slide down and find it the hard way