By tdawgg - 06/09/2013 14:12 - Canada - Calgary
tdawgg tells us more.
We sell electrical wire by the foot, she may have a more handy family member at home that need it, but she did come back an hour later and got 50 feet... I think her computers in the middle of her backyard. :P. sad thing is, we deal with these kinds of requests ever day... Retail sucks!!
Top comments
this is why you need a baseball bat with common sense engraved on it then you smack them with it and across the forehead this way every can see they lack common sense and avoid conversations with them at all cost
But if "common sense" is engraved in it, and then it's marked on their forehead, wouldn't that mean they now have common sense? It's just common sense.
If she gave some measurements that may have helped but have a longer hassle in the long run... She can just move the computer closer to the wall...but I assume that didn't come to mind...
rofl Omg ive never heard somwthing like that before. retarded requests, only found at home depot!!!
Nope ive had them at ikea, dont you worry home depot isnt alone.
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I work at a fabric store and people often come in without measurements and then want me to help them get enough fabric for some "standard" curtains or a "standard" seat cushion, or "one of those standard throw pillows you know?".... Um no I don't know. When I ask then, well did you take measurements they look at me confused. Apparently I should just automatically know all the measurements of stuff in their house. And when we don't have enough of what they need they sometimes get really pissed, like I must've bought the rest of it earlier just to screw up their plans. Essentially, customers are really really stupid.
Working with fabrics, curtains etc, I could have written this comment. I tell people all the time there's no such thing as a 'standard" window, if there was we would be living in identical houses.
Oh wow, LOL!
I feel your pain i work @ THD as well and there are a lot of people like this
Its frustrating because @THD, The employees deal so often with customers like this that when a customer comes in prepared and knows exactly what they want but cannot find it (like myself), the employee I always find has no idea what I am talking about and looks at me like I am a retard for being specific.
Idiots are multiplying faster than Justin Bieber fans
Working in retail is one of the fastest ways to lose faith in society.