By bitch i'm a gerontophile - 29/11/2012 18:08 - Taiwan

Today, while working at my local supermarket, I found a boy lost and wandering about, so I took him to the front desk. My reward from his mother was a slap around the face and harsh words for supposedly having kidnapped him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 153
You deserved it 1 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comet_Candy 23

People can be absolutely despicable sometimes, huh? Maybe just overly paranoid...

the_enigma1019 1

No good deed goes unpunished... People need to camp down about the whole "pedo" paranoia.


chickenflem 8

Yeah Because a kidnapper would just return the child right. She's just trying to blame her carelessness on you OP. Don't take it hard on yourself. You Obviously did the right thing

Maybe if she knew her child was like spongebob and so irritating that the flying dutchman would give him back. She wad probably patiently waiting for him to turn up like “this kid's your problem now”

No you wouldn't, little keyboard warrior.

Watch out we got a badass over here.. This seriously reminds me of the lion on internet, scardey kitty in real life picture.

She's ridicules. She's luck you were the one that found the lost child vs some sicko that could have kidnapped him for real!

gczizza1997 15

Seriously I wonder where people's gratitude is these days! I bet she just felt embarrassed that she couldn't keep a good eye on her kid.

martin_martian7 11
perdix 29

You dumb-ass! If you find a lost kid in the store, you tie him or her up back in the stockroom, demand ransom from the mom, THEN you bring the kid to the front desk, pick up the loot and make a run for the waiting getaway car.

gczizza1997 15

And then you'll be introduced to the cops

The "what is a joke?" police, hopefully.

yousuck44 11

Umm I think he was being sarcastic butt munch!

I love how parents these days seem to want to blame other people rather than themselves when it comes to watching over their own children. If I ended up losing my daughter in the store, and someone brought her to a safe place to wait for me rather than kidnapping her, I'd be so unbelievably grateful to them, and so ******* pissed off at myself for being stupid. Come on "parents," get with the program. Someone returned your kid, you could at least say "thank you."

Should've kidnapped her to teach her a lesson.

Another dumb parent geez what's up with stupid parents lately. And they say this upcoming generation is dumb....

What's worse to think about is what they're teaching their kids!

Oh man you're right it's the blind leading the blind here. We're screwed.