By Anonymous - 01/09/2011 06:22 - United States

Today, while working in my pharmacy, a patient told me that he sometimes wants to jump the counter and skin me alive. He has no more refills, and his doctor is out of town for the week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 445
You deserved it 2 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Skin him first, then put him on display for any other would-be troublemakers.

1 - OP can't give prescriptions to patients because he's/she's not a doctor. He/she even states that the patient's doctor isn't there. Before rushing to be first, at least read the FML properly.


I'm sure your skin would make a gorgeous lampshade for his apartment.

Malinkrot 3

was it for a high grade painkiller like oxycodone? withdrawal is a bitch. people rob pharmacies for that stuff.

perdix 29

"Accidentally" give him some rat poison, just like Mr. Gower in "It's a Wonderful Life." Too bad George Bailey got his wish and was never born -- he woulda stopped you.

fmaon06 10

That is terrifying. As someone who also works in a pharmacy, I can tell you that there are numerous people who are on anti-psychosis drugs that need to have their dosages tweaked a bit... Perhaps you could have given them an emergency refill if appropriate. Last resort would be to direct them to another physician in their doctor's office or to the emergency room for a new prescription. Best of luck. Be sure to let others know of his imagination.

MerrikBarbarian 9

this! if someone has been on meds, especially anti psychotics, when I worked in a pharmacy the pharmacist would give 2-3 days worth of prescriptions to get the person through til they could see a doc or us contact one at least.

sounds like the perfect week to take a vacation or come to work strapped.

Marcella1016 31

Wow 6 you take yourself way too seriously -_- Anyone else wondering what the hell the guy's prescription was for? O_O

tattedgeek 0

F his L for being a douche and not making sure he had refills before his dr left

If he's ill he won't be fit enough to remember stuff like that -_-