By mallcop - 14/02/2010 05:07 - United States

Today, while I was working security at the mall, someone shat his pants. The shit dripped all over the floor and escalator. I was the one who had to stand near the poop so no one stepped in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 809
You deserved it 2 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

soozjw 2

Could have been worse, you could be the one that has to clear it up lol


AshleyXD 0

Well...At Least U Saved People From Not Stepping In Poop(:

alejapm 2

hahahaha.... so gross Q: is shat a word?

Pipity147 0

hahaha!! that's mother fucken hilarious. o my god. haha!!! hahaha!!!

hey you didn't have to clean it up, so no prob

lighters_fml 4

you're going to have to enjoy that smell for a while :P

at least you wernt the guy that had to clean it up.

At least you weren't the one who had to clean it