By corn - 03/06/2011 01:44 - United Kingdom

Today, whilst at my job as a lifeguard, a small child decided he couldn't hold it any longer and released his bowels in the pool. It was my job to clean up his dump, including the floating pieces of sweetcorn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 294
You deserved it 3 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

frozenfreeze 5

how did you know it was "sweet" corn. lol


greenorange75 8

How'd you know it was SWEETcorn? Oho!

cheering247 1

Actually! No you don't drain the pool first. You get everything out and then you add tons of chemicals (chlorine and shock) and then people can't swim for awhile. I'm a lifeguard and I work at a small pool and it's only happens once in the baby pool but a friend if mine works at a huge pool and it happened like 5 days in a row. You guys are stupid if you think you drain the pool. HELLOOO that's what chemicals are for!

Op how do you know what kind of corn it was? Wait maybe I don't want to know.

Yowza that's just nasty. You'll never look at corn ever again.

arielzbkny 0

How do u know the corn was sweet?

OP I feel so sorry for you! I guess all jobs have their downsides though. And to everybody that's asking how OP knew it was sweetcorn, that is what we call corn (the vegetable) in England. And if you had read the comments rather than repeating the same question as about twenty other people, you would see that this had already been explained. Sorry for the rant, but ignorant people infuriate me.

That sucks I hope you get paid enough though :/