By donezo - 26/06/2009 05:43 - United States

Today, while working at a fast food restaurant, I stayed a little overtime to help my manager with dishes. A kid pooped in the slide in the playground area attached to the restaurant itself. I'm the smallest one there. I had to crawl UP the slide to find and clean the poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 413
You deserved it 3 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse. At least it wasn't in the ball pit, and you didn't have to dig around for it. But FYL, haha.

Darth_Taco 14

I've heard of a lot of these cases. I'm starting to consider super-gluing my kids' diapers on when I have them. I am so sorry.


easylazy 0

You should've spanked his ass!!!!!

Wow. It's really stupid saying FIRST when you are first because everybody else buries your comment and you don't even get to see the one time you were first.

Antonio718 0

Congratulations for being first and stating it you get to be a dumbass! Anyways FYL indeed

skullbashd 3

if you had to find the poop how did you lnownit was there?

Poop smells.... That or some parent may have informed them it was there (their kid found it or what have you).

That's pathetic saying first OP- FML definitely, since you can't refuse without loosing your job

shaubygal 11

that my friend sounds like * puts on sunglasses* a shitty situation BAZZOWW

whitneyyy 0

yeah fyl! sorry dude, baby shit isn't cute/

Brings whole new meaning to the word poop-chute


lol ydi for not getting a better job!!!

meta_knight_486 5

When I was younger, a little girl took a dump in the local Burger King's playscape. I guess stuff like this happens... It wasn't in the slide, though; that had to be terrible.

Could have been worse. At least it wasn't in the ball pit, and you didn't have to dig around for it. But FYL, haha.

jncwmnd 0

very true, a ball pit would've been worse...but thats disgusting still, FYL

SinatraStyle 3

You at McDonald's ain't you?

deliapearl 0

Parent should have been watching and cleaned up that sh't too

Darth_Taco 14

I've heard of a lot of these cases. I'm starting to consider super-gluing my kids' diapers on when I have them. I am so sorry.

eyehurts 0