By lonely - 24/10/2011 14:55 - United States

Today, without telling me, my mom dropped me off at my grandmother's house, and drove off. Now I'm supposed to spend the next month with her. Guess she forgot my grandma died six weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 843
You deserved it 3 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

austin0023 0
Classlfied 4

So you have the house to yourself for a month?


Really? i find it hard to believe your mum forgot that your nan's dead?! :s

Why did you get out if the car then....

Milk_Moon 0

Who the hell is voting YDI? 'fess up!

I did. OP should have reminded his/her mother, refused to get out of the car, called for a ride home, etc. Or some clarifying details have been omitted.

Imaginary foe, really? I don't vote ydi on fml with negletful and horrible parents.

JinxosGirl87 0

When your mom gets older you can drop her off at a nursing home without telling her.

meirasanya 10

How on earth did your mum forget that your grandmother had died? It's pretty much unforgettable if it's someone in the family.

IgotPoked 0

I feel like this is from a movie...

2ndSucks 15

She didn't forget. She wanted to get rid of you for a month.

Omg lol well now you have the house to yourself for the next month

perdix 29

Is the body still there? If not, your mom wants you to squat in grandma's house and get the **** out of hers. By the time the bureaucracy gets around to disposing of your grandma's property, you'll be a well-established squatter, screwing all of your aunts and uncles out of their inheritance.