Totally? Really?

By honk honk, fuckwad - 06/11/2015 22:39 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had a dream where I was giving Justin Bieber a blowjob. I'm a totally straight male. I have half a mind to bill the little bastard for therapy sessions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 969
You deserved it 6 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This whole FML leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

At least you didn't wake up next to him


Awe man that sucks!!! Hahaha you walked right into that one.

Not being 100% straight isn't grounds for therapy, OP. That's normal.

"I'm a totally straight male". Ummmm.... no. You're not.

Jwaye2 7

A dream about giving JB a ******* and a nightmare about giving JB a ******* say two very different things. But in all seriousness even if you do have those thoughts there is nothing wrong with that.

This is lowkey homophobic, but then again, no one wants Justin Bieber's dick in their mouth.

Sounds like a horrible nightmare to me!! aha