Totally? Really?

By honk honk, fuckwad - 06/11/2015 22:39 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had a dream where I was giving Justin Bieber a blowjob. I'm a totally straight male. I have half a mind to bill the little bastard for therapy sessions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 969
You deserved it 6 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This whole FML leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

At least you didn't wake up next to him


I'm a gay male and I feel sorry for you.

How is it his fault? You're the one who apparently wants it

Severefear 7

Is oral on a chick really hat weird for a straight male to do?

I don't think that "totally straight" means what you think it does.

Sue bieber for emotional distress and for therapy

But Justin Bieber doesnt have a dick?

Why wouldn't he? He's male. These comments of insulting him by calling / insinuating he is a woman have got to stop.

No longer a perfect zero on the Kinsey scale?

Its not a dream its the worst nightmare a man can ever have