Touch grass

By furred - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Philippines

Today, I was playing an online game in nothing but my boxers, when suddenly a girl joined my team. I immediately felt embarrassed and put some pants on. There were no webcams involved. I need to get out more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 241
You deserved it 14 557

Top comments

That's weird considering most of the guys I know would take their pants OFF when they know a girls is on... Tissues, anyone?

26-Not necessarily. Gamer girls come in all shapes and sizes, just like guys. In fact, a lot of girls that I've come into contact with that play video games are actually quite attractive. And by quite attractive I mean pretty damn sexy.


Don't worry I'm the exact same every time I play league with Sarah or gia I get embarrassed and have to get cleaned up and I don't use webcams

IDK, seems kinda sexist to me. You shouldn't act different just because you're playing videogames with a girl. Why can't we just treat all genders equally? You shouldn't feel uncomfortable around someone because they were born with certain body parts. Its not really fair. How do you think the girl would feel knowing that other gamers don't feel comfortable being themselves while playing videogames with her just because of her gender? I know I like being treated equally when hanging out with guys.