Touch grass

By furred - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Philippines

Today, I was playing an online game in nothing but my boxers, when suddenly a girl joined my team. I immediately felt embarrassed and put some pants on. There were no webcams involved. I need to get out more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 241
You deserved it 14 557

Top comments

That's weird considering most of the guys I know would take their pants OFF when they know a girls is on... Tissues, anyone?

26-Not necessarily. Gamer girls come in all shapes and sizes, just like guys. In fact, a lot of girls that I've come into contact with that play video games are actually quite attractive. And by quite attractive I mean pretty damn sexy.


I do the same. I'm a 20 year old guy who goes to college 5 days a week and has a girlfriend. There's nothing wrong with you doing this.

Awe that just means youre a respectful guy. OP you should get out there; to show a lucky lady what a gentleman should be

KiddNYC1O 20

Sounds like a Second Life orgy.

harkerk87 3

Yes yes you go need to get out more op

Maggums18 0
ColorfulSmiles 7

At least you were a gentleman about it?

Are you sure it was a girl and not a guy playing a girl char?