By Anonymous - 03/07/2014 16:42 - France - Beausoleil
Same thing different taste
By babyeaternomnom - 30/06/2012 16:22 - Canada - Brampton
By Anonymous - 16/08/2017 13:00
By Pool-less - 04/09/2011 06:09 - United States
Nature is healing
By IssacB - 17/07/2015 17:56 - United States
By orcatheseapanda - 09/01/2016 05:14 - Thailand
Shower time
By poolboy - 23/07/2012 04:28
By TmWhisp - 13/05/2016 10:02 - United States
What the…?
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff
By Stunned - 04/02/2013 09:15 - New Zealand - Wellington
By anonymous - 14/01/2012 11:42 - Australia
Top comments
How do you say that in French, though?
Ma maison est ta maison. But they probably just say it in spanish anyway, cos it sounds cooler.
Ma maison est ta maison. Deutschen gegen Franzosen... ja klar ! So cliché ^^
OMG, stop speaking in code, gaiz.
Frankreich kann gar nicht gegen Deutschland gewinnen. Das ist mir klar ! Die andere Franzosen sind nur dumm. ^^ #35 Sorry FML's staff. It proves one thing : that website is trully international ! :P
Мой дом это ваш дом - Russian (Moee dome eto vash dome)
#33 Italian: La mia casa è la tua casa.
Why am I the only person who doesn't speak other languages?
Komm wir schaffen das! Wooo Germany
Not the only one 74, this is beyond cryptic to me haha.
This whole thread has become people communicating in foreign languages to other people in other foreign languages. Please. Speak. English.
Я очен хорошо пани маю тиья
Tuadi ma chodhi
English: My house is your house
mano namai yra tavo namai.
Estos comentarios son molestos.
我的家是你的家。 (Wo de jia shi ni de jia)
Is é mo theach do theach
Mój dom jest twoim domem
ما هذا الغوط؟
Mijn huis is jouw huis
Ching Chong wing wong
114 says "These comments are annoying" in spanish haha
106, it's meant to be 'Я очень хорошо понимаю тебя'
البيت بيتك/ بيتي بيتك
הבית שלי גם הבית שלך. Everyone was doing it peer pressure got me
Your picture is creepy . Sorry :/
"Fais comme chez toi" or "ma maison et la tienne" :) de nada
Google translate
Or you could take 2 seconds to type in google translate. Despite popular belief, the world does not revolve around English
Guess it doesn't work to do this in ASL...
Gave up trying to read these after the first 100.
Because you're an idiot
Damn..I only know how to speak other languages. Not read and write them. Wait...I can read Deutsch. Yay! Meine haus, nicht dein haus.
106 *Я очень хорошо понимаю тебя
Time to call the police, OP .
No , send them a bill for their stay
I don't know... I mean it's really weird to have neighbors swimming in your pool but maybe they like know each other? I think it's a bit much to call the cops. A simple conversation about boundaries should suffice.
No one said they went through the house... could have jumped the fence or used the gate?
In my mind, it is a serious liability issue. If any of them were injured (or Heaven forbid, drown), they could easily sue Op.
44, I doubt the patio and pool are inside the house.
44, sometimes neighbors swap keys so they can look after the house when one is gone.
#29 I'm sure if they knew, knew each other OP wouldn't have posted this as a FML .
@54 how would it be OPs fault? they were trespassing while op was on vacation and op never gave them permission to swim. Plus I don't think France sues people to the extent America does
#86 Yeah, we're not sue-happy people here. I think the police would laugh at the neighbor's face if he sued after trespassing and getting injured.
I would call the cops. That's not right. They should know that there is a boundary and you definitely don't hop to your neighbors house and use their pool and backyard without their permission. That's ignorant, stupid, and a bit creepy.
What did you do?!
I'd tell them to get the **** out before the cops came.
Yeah I think this FML deserves a follow-up...
follow up needed!
at least they weren't inside your house? sounds like op has a nice place :)
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayFrom the inside.
Well, I told you I would keep an eye on the place...

Mi casa es su casa?
Time to call the police, OP .