Toxic parents
By Anonymous - 30/07/2020 20:01
By Anonymous - 30/07/2020 20:01
By lehonX9 - 06/06/2015 09:11 - Germany - Hanover
By kp. - 03/09/2015 16:30 - United States
By hypercrite dad - 19/09/2014 18:34 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 29/09/2022 12:30
By valarmorgoolies - 06/02/2015 18:51 - United States - Binghamton
By Anonymous - 01/09/2022 10:00
By ironyisabitch - 02/06/2012 05:43 - United States - Rohnert Park
By FFS - 06/05/2018 01:30
By HappyMan - 03/08/2012 02:14 - United States - Corpus Christi
By Anonymous - 20/03/2022 16:00
Did anyone else chuckle on at the “my own wife...” part?? Hehehe
Wow. We're all glad the Vaping helps with your seizures, but WTF? I know it's very easy to say, but I would have to put my foot down, and not have anything to do with her unless she wises up and apologizes FOR EVERYTHING! No grandkids, nothing until that happens. Good luck, I hope you stay well.
You should have severed all ties to that bitch a long time ago. And if you're living with her, or she's living with you, one of you needs to leave pronto. If my parents had ever beaten me, you can bet they'd be rotting in prison right now, not lecturing me for taking prescribed medication.
If your mom literally beat you to the point of giving you brain damage WHY IS SHE STILL IN YOUR LIFE????
this is more of a tell her to **** off type of situation