Traumatized knob

By Anonymous - 10/03/2015 19:11

Today, I got my first handjob. I also found out today that a girl can pull your skin hard enough to cause it to bleed profusely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 001
You deserved it 4 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1dvs_bstd 41

Bro, did you get a handjob from freddy kruger?

How could she possibly have looked at what she was doing and gone "yeah, I bet that feels good"


Cozy_Blanket 16

I get that you were excited, but damn man if something hurts you gotta speak up!

Wow and I thought when my dick was bit several times during my first BJ it was bad...

ajs1987 15

Are you serious, or are you just yanking me?

Sounds like a real tear jerker to me...

shiffizzle 13

I cringed while reading this.