Travelling light

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, I was stuck in a window seat next to the biggest/angriest man I've ever seen. During the trip, I reached down to pick up what I thought was my pillow but instead managed to pull off his huge sock. I couldn't put it back so had to pretend I had no idea why he was glaring at me when he woke up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 179
You deserved it 1 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nonsensical 26

This made me laugh so hard! I can just imagine the horror you felt when you realized what it was and attempted to put it back on but you couldn't! I would've gently put the sock resting over his foot, and gone to "sleep" after that to avoid any questions later...

man_in_black08 28


You could have just went ahead and used it as a pillow.

That might be kind of gross, given it's been on someone's foot for an unknown number of hours. It probably smells.

Were you by any chance on the way to New Hampshire for your grandma's funeral?

Eashy 16
nonsensical 26

This made me laugh so hard! I can just imagine the horror you felt when you realized what it was and attempted to put it back on but you couldn't! I would've gently put the sock resting over his foot, and gone to "sleep" after that to avoid any questions later...

man_in_black08 28

I hope i dont get too many downvotes for this but am I the only one who misread it at first as "huge ****"?

How does one mistake a sock for a pillow? And for that matter, how does one pull a sock off a sleeping person seated next to them without waking them up?

OP said the man was very big. It's possible he was big enough that his socked foot looked a bit like a small pillow, in that cramped space. And to address your second question: "when he woke up." Clearly, the sock removal did in fact disturb him.

York503 3

This was hilarious, specially because I read sock as **** and didn't realize until I read it a second time and on a different day.

Supernatural_family 0

I have pictured Tor whole scenario!!! Is really funny...