Trolling for soup

By he's a dawk, and a cunt - 05/07/2013 22:29 - Australia - Darling Point

Today, my boyfriend and I went to my parents' barbecue. He knew my family is extremely religious, so what did he do? Called for silence to make an announcement, namely: "God isn't real." Cue a riot that ended in us being kicked out and me all but disowned for "putting him up to it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 263
You deserved it 8 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he can't respect your family (and their religious beliefs) enough to be polite, he isn't worth your time.

Hm, I can't tell who's worse. It's either your boyfriend or your parents. Also, if your boyfriend is an atheist, good luck having Christmas with your parents and him.


mariab2898 13

I would dump him, if he doesn't respect your family's values and sees them as a joke. And if he's willing to ruin your ties with your own family for his own humor.

Personally, I don't care what people believe in, but still, he was rude and disrespectful. If he would of done that at my house, you would of bet he would of gotten kicked out. Like the old saying goes, " If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all."

He makes all non religious people look bad, way to go.

Scynistr 20

I have to say.. People are pretty one sided and just slandering OP's boyfriend.. Sure he made an arse of himself but maybe her family was putting down his belief? Two wrongs doesn't make a right.. But some religious people are the most intolerant people to exist.. I say FYL.. If he disrespects you again.. I think it'll be time to leave.

TaytheHuman 8

what an asshole. typical athiest.

krapcissaruj 13

i can just picture him holding up his red solo cup in the backyard by the pool. "Ahem..."

I am agnostic myself. That was just rude, a slap in your parents face. When im visiting I bow my head in silence and pass the " honor " of saying grace. I refuse to discuss religeous topics.

Then you are part of the problem. You shouldn't hide your beliefs, and you don't have to respect idiocy, and a dangerous idiocy at that. Most of the ills in the world are brought on by religion.

Emily062611 6

Right, well, that's your opinion. Being respectful of other people's beliefs is the mature option. That's all. Throwing a fit over someone else's beliefs only accomplishes one thing - it makes you look like an idiot. If she is going to be mature and respectful, that's not a problem.