Trolling for soup

By he's a dawk, and a cunt - 05/07/2013 22:29 - Australia - Darling Point

Today, my boyfriend and I went to my parents' barbecue. He knew my family is extremely religious, so what did he do? Called for silence to make an announcement, namely: "God isn't real." Cue a riot that ended in us being kicked out and me all but disowned for "putting him up to it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 263
You deserved it 8 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he can't respect your family (and their religious beliefs) enough to be polite, he isn't worth your time.

Hm, I can't tell who's worse. It's either your boyfriend or your parents. Also, if your boyfriend is an atheist, good luck having Christmas with your parents and him.


I'm Atheist and I think that's an asshole move.

Why does it seem like atheist people always try to force their beliefs on the religious? It's always said to be the other way around, but it's never like that where I'm from. At all. I don't go to a house full of Jewish people and say "Jesus is the Messiah". The true religious people that follow God's word don't judge, because it says the only one that should judge is God and that you're supposed to treat people with love, and that includes respect. That's just rude, I don't care what your beliefs are. You could be that religion where they worship some sort of spaghetti monster and yet you should still have enough respect for others and even self respect to keep your feelings to yourself for such a short time as a family BBQ..

Um and why are you dating this douche bag?

That was very disrespectful of your boyfriend. I'm agnostic and I was raised in a Christian household. I know not to start or even get involved in a religious discussion because it will not end well and everybody is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs. So FYL for your bf doing that. I think you have NOT found a keeper. But it was really mean of your parents to dis you like that. Not cool.

Hahahah best thing I have ever heard!!!

graceinsheepwear 33

Shouldn't the family be turning the other cheek? It's one thing to get upset at that moment but grudge-holding and disowning aren't exactly practicing what they preach. I am not saying the boyfriend is right; he wasn't.

I'm an atheist and find it really rude that he willfully antagonized them that way. I'm also a former Christian and find it appalling that they seemed to forget "turn the other cheek."

Turning the other cheek doesn't necessarily mean they have to tolerate a douche move like that, in their own home. I married into a Catholic family, they know I'm agnostic, and they let it go. I'm return, I don't pull off stupid moves like this douchenozzle did.

OP, your boyfriend is just as bad as the bible thumping Christians that he is opposed to. If he can't respect your family, he can't respect you. Ditch him.

Man. It's one thing to have different beliefs and accept it, but this.. Sorry, OP. He shouldn't have done that and they shouldn't have gotten that upset. Eh.

What a jerk move. But try to remember the respect has to go both ways. Your boyfriend has to respect your parents who believe, but your parents should equally respect him not believing. So just as much a jerk move from the rioters for wanting to fight him over it in stead of just agreeing to disagree. And I'd say adding violence to the disrespect is worse. ( I'm an atheist and it always bugs the hell out of me when religious people say they are being disrespected, but they themselves think their way is the only right way and they should convince/"save" all the poor lost souls.)

Are you saying they should be respectful to this guy, for blatantly doing something so disrespectful, in their home? You don't make a public announcement like that, unless you were planning to incite a negative reaction. I don't care who you are, my wife, my parents, my boss. If you did that in my home, you'd get booted out of my home instantly.