By ohshit - 07/03/2010 17:25 - United States

Today, my fiancé picked which new house he thinks we should live in based on the fact that the bathroom was set up in such a way that he can drink himself in to a stupor, then use the toilet and puke in the sink at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 770
You deserved it 5 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Monikabug 9

And? Less cleaning for you!

Actually, it's a very intelligent design, having the toilet next to the sink. I had food poisoning once and I was SOO happy our bathroom was designed in such a way that I didn't need to worry about guessing which side was next to spew. Horrible time...haven't eaten tomatoes ever since....


Monikabug 9

And? Less cleaning for you!

Exactly! And who likes cleaning? He was thinking about you :3

Horney4her69 0
3DLoli 0

In Soviet Russia, sink pukes on man!

Monikabug 9

What do sinks puke up in Soviet Russia? hmmm....

They puke communism. Or that's what the Americans are taught.

shtuff 0

@33 Don't be jealous because America is better. Everyone hates us until a natural disaster hits their country. Then they expect our help.

Monikabug 9

Let's not even get into the "my country is better" - "no mine is" argument. I am already bored of it.

Then you rebuild the country with American money, which leaves them in heavy debt. Your economic colonisation is uncanny.

nates0210 0

being from Iowa should be an fml altogether.

Today, my husband revelaed to me that he is an incredibly intelligent person who knows what he wants and how to get it . FML

@ 46 - Are you as dumb as a box of rocks? That's a joke based on the routine of Yakov Smirnoff.

Monikabug 9

@55 No I am not as dumb as a rock. I know where the joke is from, I was LITERALLY asking. What would a sink throw up? Water? Toothpaste? Depending on what it did puke it could be very bad for the man. If you couldn't tell I was joking around with him, I will sell you some common sense, jerk.

ravensunnyd 0

can some one say alchoholic?

ravensunnyd 0

# 51 no that's Missouri silly the suroundings are to dull for art work and it's freezing balls here in the winter and so hot in the summer you could cook an egg on the side walk

kkamp516 10

**** you you little Soviet terrorist.

fyl for not realizing that you can take advantage of his drinking problems (it starts with "drunk" and ends with "sex")

It's as good a reason as any. If the place fits around your lifestyle, what's not to love?

fernando, don't be jealous of our freedom to pick jobs. btw u did start it

SmellDaPurp 0

sounds great to me! i dont see how this is a fml.

laylay33 6

Anyone else notice the lack of likes on the comments...?

Well he is picking out the house, he should have what he wants

nayy_fml 0

atleast it won't be that messy

Come on man!! ( or woman ) have a sense of humor... You ain't no fun :(

Actually, it's a very intelligent design, having the toilet next to the sink. I had food poisoning once and I was SOO happy our bathroom was designed in such a way that I didn't need to worry about guessing which side was next to spew. Horrible time...haven't eaten tomatoes ever since....

I concur. You can't always predict when your fetuccine comes with a side of salmonella

boreddoubletears 0

One word: bucket. I've been there, and it ain't pretty. Though it is effective...

lovelyred 0

so? why is this an fml. he's a smart dude.

DyKy 2

hahaha nice but i also think this is less cleaning for you xDD although is kinda wierd to pick the House cuz of the bathroom where u can shit and pule at the Same time xD sure that He was serious?^^