Turn me on

By shmelly - 16/04/2010 04:03 - United States

Today, as my boyfriend was unbuttoning my pants to go down on me, he looked at me and said in his best robot voice, "Caution, contents may be stinky." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 988
You deserved it 22 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

THC_Overdose 0

ewww dude go wash that nastiness... ydi


tehchowder 0

[robot voice] Please sit on my face [robot noises]

LOL!!! funniest thing I've heard in a while

brookiebaby16 1
Pandacharm 0

mind you he said that before he even went down on her... and note "may be" it was a joke.. an Ill humored one at that. fyl to the op

omfg!! that defenetly made me lmfao!

that's nasty, ydi for for not cleaning your nasty vag. how do you expect him to go down and use his mouth when it smells like somthing died? I make sure I'm always clean but I've been with a few girls with a serious case of donkey vag

rockstatic 0

If you want him to start licking down there, it's on you to make sure it's clean.