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Twitter = Spoiler Land

By Adam Daniel - 06/11/2017 19:19

Today, I posted a blurb on Twitter about why I couldn’t watch tonight’s episode of my favorite show until 3 hours after it airs. Apparently, tonight’s episode had a plot twist 7 years in the making. Everyone spoiled it for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 669
You deserved it 2 120

Adam Daniel tells us more.

It just had said “so and so replied to your Tweet” so I hit it and it was spoilers

Top comments

Rule #1 when watching an episode of your favorite show late, never tell anyone or else they troll you with what happened.

corky1992 33

Probably should have avoided the internet and people until you could watch it.


corky1992 33

Probably should have avoided the internet and people until you could watch it.

Obviously. Why did you read responses?

It just had said “so and so replied to your Tweet” so I hit it and it was spoilers

Rule #1 when watching an episode of your favorite show late, never tell anyone or else they troll you with what happened.

Twitter is still a thing? I thought after the Asshole-in-Chief ruined it, it would go the way of AOL and Packard-Bell.

Ha, wow. I posted this during last week’s episode of The Walking Dead. Pretty dissapointing about Morales coming back and I had to know about it. But I guess it doesn’t matter now.

So now you're spoiling it for everyone else, too?

Seriously dude? For someone who was upset about seeing spoilers, you sure are quick to post them!

There's some people who haven't even seen last week's episode. Holy cow, sure glad I did on Saturday! You DESERVE it!

onceuponatime456 16

How many times have you been the spoiler? Based on one of your responses it appears that your friends were getting even!

Well, it’s been over a week since I posted this... you should have caught up. I was 3 hours later. You’re 9 days late

Ah, so you are the guy who universally decides when it's a spoiler and when it's your own fault, huh? So where is the exact line? At "Adam has watched it"?

I heard a radio interview with M. Night Shyamalan in which he was asked what the cut off time is for spoilers for both TV and films. He said 24 hours for TV.

Almost as if people don't travel, or have to work away from home all weekend, or power goes out, or...Wait these things do happen! I'm not going to take the advice of a multi millionaire who has time on their hands.

Thank you. I say it’s by the time the next episode comes out but it’s okay

That sucks, but you had to know you were inviting this behaviour, the internet is full of dicks. You hope people are better than this, but really they aren't, especially online. Basically, if you're worried about spoilers for a popular tv show just turn off the internet until you've seen it. Don't look at news outlets either, as many don't seem to realise that headlines can count as spoilers.

Mungolikecandy 19

If making a comment like that, turn off your phone until you have seen the episode.

YDI...Everyone knows that if a "spoiler" will ruin it for you you should stay away from the internet...especially social media until you have seen it.

why were you on Twitter when you knew a new episode was coming out and you weren't going to experience it at the same time as everyone else?