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Work it!

By Anonymous - 21/08/2023 22:00 - Germany

Today, my man said, "If you get more sore from your workouts than from having sex with me, I’m gonna cry!" Uhm… I do serious weight training, and in bed we both enjoy the missionary position, so… sorry for your ego, Honey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 514
You deserved it 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he really expects lying there and taking it to work up a sweat? and for what? next time bench press him up and down and you won't even have to go the gym

If you enjoy it great, but if you are both fit maybe you could try other positions… and discover other ones that you’d enjoy.


he really expects lying there and taking it to work up a sweat? and for what? next time bench press him up and down and you won't even have to go the gym

If you enjoy it great, but if you are both fit maybe you could try other positions… and discover other ones that you’d enjoy.