Ugly truth

By uglywoman - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my six year-old told me I have a big nose. When I told her that she hurt my feelings, she laughed and said, "Don't be silly mummy, ugly people don't have feelings." FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 949
You deserved it 17 680

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dakins 0

u raised her.... so u have to assume u taught her to act that way. srry

Not necessarily, #286. She could have picked it up from school. Yes, there are "popular" girls in grade 1, (or I suppose being six she would be in prep in the state of Victoria) that's where they start. One of them probably said that to her. Or she could have been watching television or just heard it on the street you just don't know. So don't assume someone is a bad parent over something a child says. With a mind like a sponge, they all say things that has us wondering where they possibly could have picked it up from. Questioning someone's parenting skills over that is going overboard.

A child can get the idea somewhere else, but its the parents raising that helps the child decide what to parrot back to other people, and what not to. If the child had been taught to consider other peoples' feelings, she wouldn't have said those things.

Most of those commenting about what a shitty parent the OP is must be pretty much children themselves, don't have kids, or are just ignorant. I have a 7 year old, and it is impossible for me to control her thoughts, what comes out of her mouth, what she thinks is funny etc. Yes, discipline is in order, but does it make OP a bad parent? I don't think so. As for the hordes of you advising OP to hit/beat/"pop"/slap her child, you need to know that in any developed country this WILL get your child taken away or at least spark an investigation by Child Protection Services if it comes to the attention of a teacher, doctor, counsellor, even a neighbour who decides to report. I smacked my daughter on the butt once when she was being a little shit, she told her teacher, and a year later I am still under the thumb of bureaucrats who take kids away from good parents who don't jump through all their hoops. Anyway, there is some stuff to consider before jumping on the "you're a bad parent/kick the shit out of your kid" bandwagon.

I can only imagine what she's like at school :p

Lol! tell her not to worry, it runs in the family and she'll be ugly too when she grows up.

Merylwen 24

OMG I don't even want to know what she's like with her schoolmates...

TheSickMinded 13

Wonder if that girl has any friends...

cea99 0

One time a little 7 year old boy told me my teeth looked like I never brushed them when I stood up. But I understand this was your daughter D: Sorry :(

This is one of the many reasons why I dislike children. I have four brothers, three of which are younger than me, and I've had plenty of opportunities to be verbally abused by them when they're too young to know better. It hurts when a child insults you, but you have to remember that little kids don't have the same concepts of embarrassment/inappropriateness that adults do. The right thing to do is to firmly tell your child that such a comment is not okay, and that if she doesn't watch her mouth in the future, she'll have to face the consequences. Striking a child is wrong, but you have to make sure they know when they make a mistake.

jontel 8

yea when i was her age i was seriously mean to my sisters calling them ugly but they called me a boy