Ugly truth

By uglywoman - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my six year-old told me I have a big nose. When I told her that she hurt my feelings, she laughed and said, "Don't be silly mummy, ugly people don't have feelings." FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 949
You deserved it 17 680

Top comments


live_love_laugh3 0

that's why imma raise my kids properly ...

Mylaughinplace 0

Yeaaah its time to trade with some one elses kid.

I guess since gingers don`t have souls ugly people don`t have feelings, what`s next XD Oh, and if I would of said back "Well I am your parent, so that means you will grow up to be just as ugly! Probably even more!"

dragon0000 7

I would have said " well u know what lil Missy ur ganja get old and ugly too" haha that would have set her straight hehe

deniser 1

God I hope you attack her with corrective parenting! What have you been doing all this time?! Or does she just go to a really bad school?!

Petal365 0

You should have told her she's going to look just like you someday.

I_Love_My_Life90 0

Umm What the **** did you do to her then Cuz if my daughter would of said that to me This is exactly what i would i would of said "O really...." THEN SLAP HER IN THE ****** FACE and i would of asked her "did that hurt!!! cuz from what im told 6 year old girls dont feel pain" "GO TO YOUR ****** ROOM AND DONT COME OUT TILL I SAY SO!!!" cuz ill be ****** damed if my daughter is going to be ****** rude like that she'll show ****** respect

I agree. That kid needs some corrective behavior now!

cunningchick 1

Sure kids need to learn manners and they need to have respect but that dosent mean that you slap your children and tell them to go to their room! You need to talk to them and explain to them what they did and why it's wrong if your ego is really so fragile that if a 6yr old tells you that they think ur ugly then you've got a serious issue.

kids are assholes. u should have slapped her...and said bytch did u feel that? well that proves ugly people have feelings lmao

cunningchick 1

Holy shit this is what's wrong with the world! Parents saying to slap you're children and call them ugly and a bitch! You need to sit them down and talk to them about what they said and how it's wrong! Not slap them!