Uh oh

By awkward - 26/07/2013 18:00 - United States - Yorba Linda

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. Instead of moaning like any normal person, he just kept saying stuff like "uh-huh," "not too bad," and "yup" in a complete monotone. It was probably the most uncomfortable experience of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 219
You deserved it 7 263

Same thing different taste


I just pictured the dad from the Brady Bunch Movie.

Should've said "you ain't gonna shit right for a week!"

Bwahahaha Well, I can't say for sure cause he just might be one of those guys who like to pretend they've seen it all and that they could never be impressed by anything the other does, but maybe he's just really self-conscious??? Either way, that shit's gotta stop! Whether it should be done by positive or negative reinforcement would depend on the previous point.

Reminded me of office space for some reason!

That's why you should have sex BEFORE you proclaim someone to be your boyfriend.

Now that's a porno I would actually like to see

Ellae_fml 7

sounds like he was on the phone..hmmm....

I have a mate who actually talks about sex exactly like that, it's pretty awkward, lol!