Uh oh

By awkward - 26/07/2013 18:00 - United States - Yorba Linda

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. Instead of moaning like any normal person, he just kept saying stuff like "uh-huh," "not too bad," and "yup" in a complete monotone. It was probably the most uncomfortable experience of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 219
You deserved it 7 263

Same thing different taste


you were probably like i didnt ask you to be my driving test examiner!!!!

Did you ever think he's lying and you actually suck?

Sex with Bill Lumberg must be terrible and awkward.

jeragonm 15

Don't give it out till he puts a ring on your finger. It saves a lot of heartache and problems

This is perhaps my favourite FML by-far

the best part is the fact that he said it in "complete monotone"

Demitri Martin would get a kick out of that